Unfortunately, we have to wait for another month or a couple more before both pairs of shoes fit.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Two Crocs for the little boy
Friday, November 28, 2008
Capping our Friday
Val is off today and tomorrow. He was invited by a friend to his studio in Malate. He dropped me off to work in the morning and picked me up around 6:15 PM. He had his camera cleaned at a Canon service center in Shaw Blvd. He enumerated his agenda for tomorrow.... haircut, car wash and laundry.
Same old things about Neo kulit. He has really mastered the sawsaw suka play. I have seen his left over bowl and he didn't finish his carrots. This morning I gave him his first servings of cereal and he liked it. And oh, maybe he'll learn to clap hands after all! Before we went to sleep and while playing he moved his hands close and away just like clapping (but not exactly). I hope he will soon because i think this is the one feat he has not yet accomplished on his age range. But no rush, he has other advanced skills anyway.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
A new blogger's dream
When I gave birth, I kept a small diary where I jotted the developments of our new born baby, more like a bulleted list. But I can not locate that diary now with all our stuff and baby things in disarray. Gone went my baby's recorded milestones (unless of course i find it). With this blog, there will be no risk of losing this chronicle because of my carelessness. Yahoo!
Together, Val, Neo and myself, will build this blog to relate our lives as we live it. We will inject happenings that transpired in the recent and far past as we recollect. And we will express our visions in the future as we dream.
I wish that our son will read this when he grows up and continue this as far as he can go for his children to read and continue too. ----------------------------------------------------------------------
I give thanks everyday
Everyday I thank the Lord for a blessed day past
Everyday, I pray that the family be healthy and safe
Everyday, I ask the Lord to make our son grow up to be kind and confident, obedient and respectful
Everyday, I thank the Lord for giving us this wonderful gift, our ultimate blessing, our one and only Neo boy!
At the Tektite tiangge
Dinner was the left over nilaga from lunch. Val said, "masarap ang kain nya". And I seconded, "ako rin!".
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Val's Canon DSLR
Val recently acquired a DSLR camera and he practically sleeps with it. He bought a pile of photography magazines and is now seriously learning photoshop. He attends photo sessions and lessons and is always out taking shots. Let us see when can he sustain this interest. My support of course is with him. Except when he goes home so late or fails to cook us dinner, aha! goody ole wifey me!
Anyhow, no matter how minuscule his knowledge in photography is, he proudly declared himself a professional! What duh??! In one of his outings with friends who covered a baptismal event in October, he was given 1,000 pesos! For what? For staying all throughout the event pointing and shooting. Hahaha! And because he was compensated for his service, he said he is now an official professional photographer! Ambisyoso! But seriously, he is extremely interested and said that he will be surely good at it soon. He will also focus on his photoshop for better print layouts. Let's wait and see. And so dear all, you will be seeing a gallery of his sample shots on this blog. Bear with us until he gets his groove!
Update: New diapers
Quick reports
- he is getting better and better at walking although sometimes he tends to get too excited and loses balance. he knows his direction and knows the mechanics of climbing stairs
- he eats plenty, loves kalabasa and taho
- with four teeth still , he is toothbrushing!
- we just got his new vitamins from Tata Ritzie (thanks again, tata!) we will start dosage tomorrow
- he is having Enfagrow A now and consumes 8 ounces per feeding time
- new sounds and words. I think i heard him say "gago" today (hehehe, of course i'll teach him not to say bad words later
- he plays sawsaw suka, close open and eat bulaga! But he doesn't seem to learn to clap hands. Instead what he does is he will take both my hands and slap it together. As if he is the one teaching how to clap hands!
- he reads! harharhar! Well, he does a good impression of it. Mumbling sounds with his baliktad na book
- he flips pages of books like a pro (since he was seven months or thereabouts)
- he fakes cries
- we are teaching him to drink sa baso as advised by his pedia
- when he wakes up and I'm not beside him, he will sound-off a forceful "uuuhhggg"
- calls me mama
- laughs heartily especially when tickled and when playing taguan
He has many pakulo and grows up too fast, haaay! In the next days, I am going to shelve some of his pinaglakihan na damit, store his baby toys, keep his bottles and put away his exersaucer. My baby is going to be a boy soon! Be happy and get ready!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Random pictures of us
During one of Neo's check-up. Medical City.
April 5, 2008, Ritzie's birthday. Podium.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
The birthday, the preparation, the details
Like every party, there should be a theme. Neo’s birthday party should have a theme! We have toyed and considered several character themes like Baby Einstein, Barnyard, the Matrix, Finding Nemo (to be changed to Finding NEO), etc. but nothing among them we liked. We wanted Neo’s to be original, no movie or cartoon characters for him yet. Eventually, I conceived the idea of NEO is ONE , O – N – E scrambled to N – E – O. We asked a special favor from Tina Dominguez, a graphic artist from Ritzie's office, to design on what will be the "birthday ID". And then I chose the blue-green color combination.
The venue
I have inquired with several restaurants and venues e.g. Fazoli’s (Eastwood), The Old Spaghetti House (Libis), Pizza Hut Bistro (Libis), Heaven and Eggs (Libis) , the Palladium function room (Pasig), ATV resort (Novaliches) but none satisfied our qualifications.
And then Val inquired rates from Makati Sports Club, Inc. (MSCI). We got a good deal that fitted our budget and the location is neutral to most of our intended guests. So when Val took me to the place for the oculars we have decided to set the venue there. The place is small but appropriate since we only planned to host around 50 to 60 guests.
The invitation
The cake, the cupcakes and the cookies
The cake, the mini cake, 15 cupcakes and 15 #1 -shaped cookies were all done by Layers and Layers Cakes by Arlene (11C West Capitol Drive, Pasig City). We placed our orders on as early as October 05 c/o Cherry.
The carrot flavored cake was set in fondant icing with stars and balloon accents. The topper was the NEO is ONE birthday ID and beside it is a baby figure (we have actually instructed for a little boy in jumpers to match the cupcakes). The colors followed the blue and green motif with some touches of yellow.The mini cake was also carrot flavored in fondant. A supposed replica of the main cake.
The cupcakes were chocolate with kid smiling faces toppers.
The birthday poem
I made a poem specially for Neo's birthday. Several versions were drafted and below was the final:
by mommy
years ago I didn’t know you were coming
but in my heart you’re the one I have been yearning
twelve months ago on this same day you came
“papa’s look-alike” was all I can hear them exclaim
in december you were a handful to have
but I never complained because you’re my true love
the new year brought out new things from you
in february taking care of you was all I wanted to do
march came and april too, the days breezed fast,
you were 5 months at last!
we started in may with your first solids and cerelac
june and july with your added “likot”, I still couldn't relax
it was august when I first heard you say “ma- mmie!”
and then in september, we were delighted to play with our one- toothed baby!
and just last month I noticed you have grown so big
with cute little steps and a really strange speech
the months flew fast and it was all so fun
HAPPY BIRTHDAY my baby, my NEO is ONE!
We printed the copies of the poem in hard paper sheets and placed it in the tables for guest reading.
the get-up
We have personalized two birthday t-shirts for the birthday boy. Tina designed the “Birthday ko Ngayon” shirt and was custom made by Golden Fabric together and the “#1 /NEO jersey” shirt. Val also donned a #1/VAL jersey to match Neo's. Denim pants and socks from the Tektite tiangge and pelican crocs given by Ninang Chris completed Neo's get- up for the day.
the balloons and venue set-up
We ordered the pinata from LOBO, REGALO, ATBP. A party shop located at Sta. Rosa St., in Kapitolyo. Again, it's design was patterned from the central theme. We filled it with candies and some old simple toys that we seldom see anymore e.g. paper balls, whistles, tops, duratsa, flyingT, slide puzzles, magic cards, jackstones! I collected punched papers from my office and shreded an old magazine to complete the effect when we let lose the pinata.
the favours for kids
I was bargaining teddy bears from a seller in ebay but she won't give it to me at the price I wanted. It was such luck that the same "breed" of bears were being sold in the Tektite tiangge! I bought my required lot at a price much lower! goody good ! I attached NEO is ONE small cut-outs on the tags.
the candy boxes
The boxes were from NOVO store in Cavite. We filled it up with candies bought by Ruthie from the grocery.
The bags were made thru the kind coordination of Tata Ritzie (again) with Chateau Marketing.
the tarpaulin banner
Val selected the food combination. On the buffet spread were ......
Fish - Fish Foldover (rolled fish with ham and cheese with white sauce)
Chicken - Roast Garlic Chicken with gravy
Pork - Lechon de Leche (Ping-Ping's, a gift from Val's Auntie Lydia)
Pasta - Baked Spaghetti
Vegetables - Sauteed Vegetables with oyster sauce
Dessert - Fresh fruit bowl and a chocolate fountain set-up
Drinks - Only one round of iced tea .We brought in bottles of various flavored C2
the MTV
Timeline productions was so kind to arrange for us (or Ritzie) an edited compilation of Neo's pictures as he went through his first months. The presentation came complete with music and background works.
But we have a main AVP. Presentation done by Val. Sequence, captions and wordings by me.
Whew! Well, that's about it.Anything I forgot, I will edit and add later.
I would like to thank my sisters who have been very helpful and supportive in the preparations.
New diapers
When the yaya comes in at past eight, she would do some cleaning and do our weekly chore, laundry. She would gather all of Neo's soiled clothes, bedsheets and towels and resume her assignment. I would do our own laundry and run it on the washing machine. Simultaneously, I would be cleaning and sterilizing bottles and prepare Neo's food. The yaya or myself (sometimes) would also prepare the food for lunch. If Val is in the house, he would be infront of the computer. Today, he has work. Laundry would be finished by lunchtime. After lunch I would send the yaya home leaving me (or Val) to take care of Neo. Neo will take his after lunch nap. When he wakes up we will play or read. Around 5 pm, and again, if Val is around we would go to Pioneer Center for groceries.
This is our usual Saturday.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
When we celebrated his first birthday last week, I was partly sad. I felt that this milestone, although a very grand one, is the demarcation line from being a baby and becoming a boy. I miss him as a baby. I came across a poem that best describes how I feel on Neo's growing up.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
We tried the Abalos hamburjer

By Thea Alberto
INQUIRER.netFirst Posted 18:07:00 04/16/2008
MANILA, Philippines -- For those who want a taste of the hamburger popularized by former Commission on Elections chairman Benjamin Abalos, the former government official has opened an outlet in Mandaluyong City.
"It is a merienda outlet...this [burger is from] the same source so the public can go...since Wack-Wack is private," said Abalos in a phone interview with INQUIRER.net.
The burger in “Ben's Burjer” tastes exactly like those being served in Wack-Wack although the price was cheaper, said Abalos.
"And even if you can get inside Wack-Wack, you cannot buy the burger because only members are served so those in the new outlet is in a way cheaper," he said.
Abalos' “hamburjer” instead of hamburger became famous when, in one of the inquiries by the Senate, the former Comelec chief debunked claims by NBN star witness Rodolfo Lozada that he had threatened to kill the ex-government consultant.
In that hearing, Abalos said that Lozada might have wanted the “hamburjer” so much that he had gone back to Wack-Wack despite the death threats.
But Lozada countered that he kept coming back to Wack-Wack because he worked with then socio-economic chairman Romulo Neri.
For Abalos, the “burjer” turned out to be a blessing as it had paved the way for the opening at Palanca corner Boni Avenue of another outlet, which his daughter was managing.
"Be my guest and try the burger," Abalos said
Saturday, November 15, 2008
First check up after first birthday
Neo was given his first shot of chikenpox (P2,500). The following are the doctor's bilin:
1. Change formula to ENFAGROW or FRISOGROW. We will choose ENFAGROW
2. Change vitamins to NUTROPLEX and increase dose to 2.5 ml
3. Do away with the bottle. (Whaaattt!) She said that if we will not do it soon we should be ready to spend P80,000 for teeth construction. We will try sippy cups first.
4. Neo can eat any table food now. Of course, less of the salt and fat
5. Watch out for new milestones such as pointing at things, straight walking (barefoot recommended which also helps speech development) and talking
6. Be back on the second week of December for Hepa A injection (P2,000)
From the clinic, we were picked-up by Ritzie with Ruthie and had lunch at Shakey's Kapitolyo. Neo had mushroom soup and spaghetti.
After office, Val went to a party in Greenhills. He turned in late.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Neo is One
We started the celebration with a brief prayer.
Lord Jesus and Mama Mary
As we celebrate this special day, we would also like to remember Neo's twin sister who is also celebrating her first birthday with you in heaven
We thank you for the beautiful weather
We thank you for the food we are to partake
We thank you for the fun we are going to have
and most especially, we thank you for all the special people here present
We pray that you will continue to bless us today and always
(I became emotional that I almost cried and led the prayers with jitters.)
The guests proceeded with lunch.
Neo was in a happy mode that day as if he really knew that he was the "bida".
Halfway thru lunch, we have presented the video that we have prepared. It showed Neo's first months and our credits to the special people who have been part of Neo's first year.
I have distributed little number 1 cut-outs for the guests to write their special wishes and notes to the celebrant. I am meaning to lay these wishes in a scapbook and give it as a gift to Neo when he is old enough to read and understand the short letters and also so that he will know who were the people present during his first birthday.
Shortly after, we prepared for the blowing of the cake. We have asked the few kids present to put on the party hats and gather around the cake table to sing "happy birthday".
After the cake, we pulled the strings of the pinata. The kids scavaged for the little treats that were littered on the floor.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
two sleeps
1. pay in full Makati Sports Club and finalize details (tomorrow)
2. pick-up pinata (tomorrow)
3. arrange things to bring to the venue on D-day (tonight)
4. staple tags on the teddy bears (tonight)
5. build up small boxes (tonight)
6. run to the grocery for the bottled drinks, lechon sauce and some candy give-aways (tomorrow)
7. arrange pick-up of mommy, daddy and rodneil from cavite (call tonight)
8. designate laundry to Ner (tonight and tomorrow)
9. no blouse yet, has to be this lunch time
10. talk to val on travel arrangement on saturday
11. review and finalize video presentation
12. tarpaulin
I will be on leave from office tomorrow.