Monday, October 5, 2009

Neo @ 23 months

Ok, this will be the last month and Neo will turn to a full two-year old boy in November. They say this is the dreaded stage where kids become too terrible to handle. Well, I say, no matter how terrible Neo comes to be, he will not be terrible to Mommy (well, let's see).

So far, Neo has grown with a good disposition. He is very playful and malambing. Makulit and very inquisitive. I haven't experienced any uncontrollable episodes with him. He listens to instructions well and obeys Mommy and Pap all the time. Except for some very minor disagreeing grunts now and then, he has been a very good boy and I cannot complain.

He can utter many words now. The newest word he learned just yesterday was "bam - bee". Val was watching Transformers and he pointed out the robot "Bumble Bee"! Neo readily voiced out "bam-bee"!

He recognizes many letters and can tell you the letter if you point it to him. Or sometimes, when he sees text on our shirts or anywhere, he will identify the letter himself. He is most familiar with the letters "M", "Y" and "I". He names the letter "O" kai kai (same name he calls the circle shape). He sounds off the letter "F" in a very funny way and still cannot pronounce the letters "H" , "W", "X" and "Q".

He knows many animals - lion, elephant, zebra, dog, cat, duck, bird, fish among others. Next time naman, i'll teach him salamanders, ardvark, cockatiel, hedgehogs, sea otter ..... hahahahah!

He already has preferences in the clothes he wears. He objected on the t-shirt I wore him last Saturday when we are setting to go out. He went to his clothes drawer and got from it the Cars shirt I recently bought. When he is watching the DVD of Thomas and Friends, he should be wearing this Thomas shirt. Same thing if he is watching Garfield or Cars.

He doesn't like sharing his pillow anymore. When before we share one pillow for the head, he would push me away now.

He sleeps only once in the day and sleeps very early at about 7:00 PM at night. Sometimes, he wakes up when I come home or rouses up in the middle of the night to have a milk fix. He wakes around 7:00 AM.

I think he hates clutter. Whenever he's done playing his toys, he puts them back in its place. The other day we were at the grocery, he was pointing to me the boxes of Cerelac and accidentally knocked about boxes down the floor. He picked each one and neatly placed it back on the shelves. May pagka OC ata ang anak ko, hehehe!

Alright, now we are ready, we are set and off we will GO as my boy turns TWO!!!

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