Thursday, October 22, 2009

Mommy Moments : Tantrums, tantrums

Neo never had any hissy fit or any unmanageable tantrum.

However, I will have to add to that statement with ... so far.

As he nears his second birthday, the "terrible" in the "terrible two" is beginning to manifest in the little boy. His "likot" increased about 500% and now engages in crying spells for reasons known and unknown! But i'm happy to say that such episodes don't usually take long and I manage to talk him out of his whims.

So far....


Anonymous said...

Hi Mommy Rachel! Ahh.. you're just entering the terrible twos phase. I won't get ahead of you, just brace yourself. You'll find yourself wondering where in the world our "angel" went. Happy MM! :)

Chris said...

well hopefully he stays that way.. but in case he doesnt and you are wondering where little angel went, he is still there just learning to become more independent! :)

thanks for joining us!

Mamí♥Picture said...

You are one lucky mommy!
BTW I love your header =)
Here is "My Mommy Moment♥"<--Hope you like it☺
Have a Great Day!